Monday, December 31, 2012

almost the last stretch

My apologies for not updating the blog. Im going to try to be as accurate as I can with the series of events that has occurred.

Since my last post, we had some issue with powerlines being too close to our building and we had to have protective casing installed by PD on the overhead powerlines while the Hebel walls were installed. They had an additional black screening net during the period of the installation. I believe would be for safety reasons as well. 
We also had some problems with our rendering. Remembering that the colours were starkly different from what we selected, our BC and SS confirmed that there was a base layer which will be greyish looking under the colour coat render. Im not sure if 2 layers will be sufficient, but only time will tell if crack start to appear. 
The hebel walls were installed on the 29th Nov 2012. 
Hebel Wall 29th Nov 12
Hebel Wall 29th Nov 12
Hebel Wall 29th Nov 12
Hebel Wall 29th Nov 12
Hebel Wall 29th Nov 12
Insulation installed 30 Nov 12. Immediately after Hebel wall has been completed. The guys only used 1 day to do their insulation installation. However, they've still left some bags in the roof space. Not completed. SS says that they'll come back later after electricals to finish off the ceiling insulation.
PD didn't let us know that there was an option to have internal walls insulation for sound reasons. I do believe the sandringham 45 would benefit to have sound insulations in the void area as sound can travel up from the kitchen and family area. 

Surprisingly on the 1st and 2nd of December 2012, there had been some plasters at the site plastering our walls! They started their work on the ground level first. Then finished the rest of the house the next day. TWO whole days and plastering is DONE. I bet they had been waiting to do their job but due to our side of our house not Hebel-ed in time, plastering had been pushed back.

Poor workman ship of plasterers.
Will need to gap fill later
3rd December 12. Facade cladding installed. It seems like our SS is really pushing it to have this house completed as much as possible before the Christmas break! The front facade in the showrooms are a mixtures of Bluestone tiles (horizontal column) and normal ceramic tiles (vertical column). The bluestone tiles are very attractive and beautiful when you see them at the showrooms, except they are also very pricey. To be exact, $12k of an upgrade. The vertical tiles cost us $2300 to upgrade. All of this is ONTOP of the $10k facade upgrade for the Beaumaris design. 
As such we opted to have a standard cladding affixed to the horizontal portion of the facade. An Axon cladding from James Hardie. We told PD that we would like it to have a modern feel to it as well, so we requested for 400mm centres spacing cladding. 
Initially SS installed a 133mm centres spacing cladding, we had to send an email to them stating that the cladding that they have installed is incorrect! But they did get it fixed in the end.

Facade installed 
Wrong Facade Cladding
The look we are after. 400mm centres

7 December 12
Cabinets delivered!
In my earlier post, I mentioned that our BC told us that the colour we have chosen for our bathrooms Tribal Palm had run out of stock and we will need to pick a new colour for our bathrooms. We chose Espresso Ligna. Hopefully the colours that we selected will turn out well.
Very quickly the cabinets had been installed and we were able to finally be able to see what our colour selections were like for the first time!
Kitchen cabinets. 

Bathroom 1 cabinets
Paperbark island bench

Installed Kitchen Cabinets - Milano Walnut
Master Ensuite Cabinets- Espresso Ligna
Stairs have also been installed
Contemporary Option 2
Stairs will be stained walnut brown
Pivot Door
Do you think our pivot door door handles are quite high?

15 December 12
Upper floor render completed - Time Capsule Dulux
Scaffolding have come down! 
Facade fixed! 400mm centres
Garage construction begins

SS has advised me then PD will be closed during the Christmas and New years period right after our garage frame has gone up. Looks like we can be moving into our new house sometime early next year!

Monday, November 26, 2012

still nothing

It seems like forever since my last post, but I can't help to also feel the same way about the progress of our home. Since my last post, there has not been much activity at the site at all. Mainly probably due to our SS being away on Annual leave and a whole lot of other complications. 
I want to give you guys good news on our progress but I just cant seem to be able to, and its frustrating! 

So since the last post, I was at the house just looking at the workmanship of the tradies that come through to the house to work. I've managed to pick up another error regarding the heating/cooling zoning in the house. So we've requested to have an All bedrooms zone A and the remaining of the house zone B option, its something we believe that we should have so that we can keep the cost of heating lower during the colder periods of the year. Because the Master Ensuite was on ground level, we have had to install an additional zone thermostat to the upper level so that the kids can access the system without having to come downstairs to adjust the temperature. This whole zoning thing was so complicated for us that we spent 2 weeks with out BC just working it out with her. So because all the bedrooms were in a single zone, the duct work for this option was slightly complicated. An additional duct had to be run down into the Master Ensuite so that it will be connected to the same duct work as the rest of the bedrooms. 
I managed to spot the error that the duct had not been constructed this way, but rather All upper floor as zone A and all ground floor zone B. This completely defeats the purpose of us zoning up the house for the bedrooms to be connected so that only zone A will be switched on when all of us are in our rooms resting. 
Brought the issue up to our SS and he tells us that it's fine and ensured us not to worry about it. 
Last friday 23rd Nov 12 I drove past and saw that there were the heating/cooling guys working and they advised me that they've constructed the ducts wrongly! It goes to say that our SS had no idea that it had been wrong the whole time and he'll rather just ensure me that its fine and fix the mistake later - hoping we won't know about it. 
Thank God its all getting fixed and I can have a peace of mind in this area for now. 

Our SS was away until the 12 Nov 12. But while he was away, very minimal work was completed. We had our corner windows installed on the 9th November 12. 
Master Ensuite: 9th November 12 
9th November 12
Activity Room: 9th November 12
Scaffolding sticking into window space
Uninstalled glass
I was at the site when the glass guys were installing the windows. The supervisor incharge of installing the glass was not willing to move a piece of pole from the scaffolding which was sticking through one of our window spaces. They'll rather come out again later to install it. He even called PD office and they were told that unless our SS comes out to move the pole, they will not install the glass.

19 Nov 12
19 Nov 12
So the BIGGEST hold up I believe is the scaffolding side of the house. Not being able to be erected because of power lines being too close. We were initially told that having a spotter was sufficient during the time when scaffolding is erected and Hebel panels installed. But instead, the job that was planned to be completed by 9th November 12 is STILL pending and no progress being made. You will notice in the above pictures that there is a Black and Yellow striped line running across - that was installed on the 19th November 12. I believe this is part of their hazard protection process that needs to be complied with when erecting scaffolding too close to power lines. 
I just hope Hebel can at least be completed by this coming week!

Some very strong crawling bamboo from the previous owner.
It had not died even after we knocked down the house.
Any tips on killing them?
Insulation Batts: 22nd Nov 12

Batts for the external walls
Insulation Batts had been delivered on the 22nd November 12. Im not sure if they can start putting up insulations before they've completed their Hebel work. Technically the house is still not water sealed. SS would be taking a big risk if he tries to insulate the ground level without making sure the top level is completing sealed yet. 

Our full tile up to ceiling feature in the Master Ensuite

Located directly above our stairs. 

I hope the electrician will be back to fix these up
Our house 24th November 12
As you can see, the house is still in its half completed stage. We really hope PD will get the ball rolling again this coming week. Hopefully have the house plastered before the Christmas and New Years break. Its been almost 2 weeks of little to no activity at the house, mainly due to the power line issue. And also, our BC has resigned from her role! She gave me a call on the Friday 16th November 12 to tell me that she was moving on and another BC will be taking over her effective the Monday. Looks like what everyone talks about going through almost a minimum of 3 BC is definitely true. Hopefully we will break this curse! Losing your SS will be devastating - having to go through and tell the new BC/SS about the uniqueness of our HOME can be quite tiring and difficult. Especially when you tell PD that you probably know the house better than they do when you check on it almost everyday! I've been getting many requests for information and advices - at this stage, you can see that we do go through alot of frustrations and difficulties, but I guess the main thing is get everything in writing and be fair and I'm sure you'll be alright! 

Until next time!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

another disappointment

Going on from my last post regarding the island bench. My family and I went to the showroom and spoke to our sales consultant about the issue. He got the measuring tape out and measured the island bench in the showroom and assured us that we will get what we selected -1430mm. During the week I received a call from the office and our BC confirmed that they have sent someone out to the showroom and the the Estimator has contacted the supplier to work something out. By Thursday last week, BC came back to me and told us that the MAXIMUM they can do without a joint in the bench is 1410mm - I settled with that and got a $7 credit back.... 

Also SS has managed to get the Duc Vac man to come out to the site and fix up his mistake in the outlet location. Good job SS! 
Moved outlet from the left to the right.
Hot water solar panel was installed Monday 29th Oct 12. 
Solar Panel 29th Oct 12
Solar Hot Water Pipes
More Hebel work completed - Rear/ left side and front of the house.
29th Oct 12
29th Oct 12
29th Oct 12
Our SS has been on annual leave and another SS has volunteered to take over his position while he is on leave. It was good to see that the new SS was on site when I went by the house. Managed to speak to him and he's advised that hebel on the right side of the house has not started because of the scaffolding being potentially too close to overhead electrical lines! And the scaffolding company has forgotten to book in a spotter for the day of installation. Next friday is the only available time the spotter can be on site and watch the Hebel panels get put up! Next Friday! 9th November 12!
Scaffoldings have a minimum setback requirements away from power lines and if they are too close, a spotter will be required.
Power line threat
Power lines are above the nature strip -
but scaffoldings have to be a distance away from them
Sliding doors have been delivered 
Temp Main door installed.
Sliding door - Lounge room
Sliding door - WIP
Balcony doors
The carpenters were out on site late last week. Working through to the weekend. I met them on site during the weekend and they've advised that they're the Lock Up carpenters and they're trying to get all the walls straightened for plastering and fixing up any other defect in the frames. They were looking to get it done by Monday 5th Nov 12. 

Okay huge disappointment coming up: 
You guys can tell me what you think. 
So I drove past the house yesterday morning and noticed that the rendering guys have started their work on the upper area of the house. They were doing they mixing etc. 
I come back at the end of the day and found out that they've finished their job! Whohoo! 

These are my render colours:
Time Capsule - Whole house
Carriage - Garage area
The colours we have selected are as per the Greenvale showroom of the Sandringham 45. Our colour selection states that they were the same "as per Greenvale showroom". 
However when they have applied the render to our home, they've used another colour instead!! 
I suspect that they have used the same colour as the Harcrest showroom - a light gray colour. 
5th Nov 12
Wrong render colour to the house!
Unless my eyes have gone down the drain - Im seeing a light gray colour to the upper level of the house. Not the colour of Time Capsule - a very light brown colour we have selected. What do you guys think? Its the wrong colour right?! 
Harcrest Showroom 
Greenvale Showroom
Another house built with PD with Time Capsule Render
Wrong Render colour - Light gray colour
Wrong Render Colour - Nothing like Time Capsule
Wrong Render Colour
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the colour. I rushed back home and looked at the photos from the site - comparing it with the colour selection that we made. At first I couldn't tell if it was just my eyes or whether the rendering guys have just applied like a prime coat on the Hebel wall first and will finish it off with the actual colour later. But the more I look at it the more I get angry and upset that how can PD mix up something so significant like that?! I understand that our SS may be away on annual leave but this break-up of communication is unprofessional! I was told that any changes to our selections will supersede all previous selections and it gets put ON TOP of all other selections in our file. I even had our BC show us how they do it internally. Well I was on my email immediately, brining attention to the Office of the error that has been made and since its cup day weekend, no one is in to help us. I don't know how PD is going to fix this. Whether they can just acid spray off the render coat before applying the new colour on it or they'll have to chip off the render by hand and reapply the correct colour. I'm not going to be very happy if they are just going to apply another coat on the current one as I know in the future, the new coat will just peel off and we'll be stuck with patches of gray on my wall. 
Looks like theres going to be more work needed to be done after cup day! Hopefully my next update will be a positive one. 
Im super jealous of all the other houses whom seem to have it smooth sailing for them!